Duro-Guard® Insulation
Premium insulation for commercial flat roofs
Enhance energy efficiency and comfort
Insulation plays a critical role in slowing heat transfer — saving energy and improving occupant comfort. Our portfolio of Duro-Guard insulation solutions offer a variety of products for use with Duro‑Last® Roofing Systems including polyisocyanurate (ISO) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation panels as well as both extruded polystyrene (XPS) and EPS fan fold products.
Duro-Last ensures every element of the roofing system lives up to our quality control standards.

Duro-Guard ISO is Duro-Last’s best-selling category of insulation, offering:
- Superior R-value – increasing energy efficiency leading to lower monthly operating costs
- Fire resistance
- Long-term thermal resistance (LTTR) values
- No chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
- Zero ozone depletion potential (ODP)
- EPA compliance
- Virtually no global warming potential (GWP)
- Labor-saving ISO products include tapered panels and hinged target sumps for positive drainage
Duro-Guard ISO products come in a variety of thicknesses and facers.

Duro-Guard EPS insulation panels are lightweight and resilient, offering:
- LTTR values
- No CFCs or HCFCs
- Zero ODP
- EPA compliance
- Virtually no GWP
Duro-Guard EPS products come in a variety of thicknesses and densities.
XPS and EPS Fan Fold

Duro-Guard Fan Fold foam insulation is used most often as a recover board when applying a single-ply membrane roof over granulated or smooth cap sheets, smooth built-up roof systems, aggregate-surfaced built-up roofs, aged coal tar pitch roof systems or other single-ply membranes. Fan Fold means it is folded accordion-style every two feet for easier transportation and faster installation.
Duro-Guard Fan Fold insulation:
- Is available with an XPS or EPS core wrapped with tough facers
- Can be used directly under Duro‑Last membranes
- Is highly resistant to heat flow and moisture penetration
- Is inert, non-nutritive and highly stable
- Contains no CFCs, HCFCs or hydrofluorocarbons
- Offers superior moisture resistance
- ISO, EPS and XPS Fan-Fold Options
- Reduces Heat Exchange and Saves Energy
- Creates a Barrier Between Deck Surface and Membrane
Code Approvals
- UL Approved
- FM Approved
- Miami-Dade Approved
- Florida Products Compliant