Cooperative Purchasing With Duro-Last®
More value. Less red tape.
Access greater purchasing power
Duro-Last is an awarded vendor for roofing (job order contract, or JOC) services with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS-USA). Authorized local contractors work with our representatives to develop and submit comprehensive proposals to local public agencies in need of roofing solutions designed to reduce the cost of procuring installed roofing systems and services.

Explore the benefits
What is TIPS?
TIPS-USA is a national purchasing cooperative that leverages the purchasing power of governmental entities. It is available for use by more than 90,000 public and private schools, colleges, universities, cities, counties and nonprofit agencies. Through the Region 8 Education Service Center (ESC), the single lead agency commissioned by the Texas State Legislature, TIPS bids and awards contracts to vendors in accordance with procedures mandated by state procurement laws and regulations.
The Cooperative Purchasing Advantage
Because Duro-Last holds the contract with TIPS, local contractors authorized to install Duro-Last Roofing Systems work directly with Duro-Last to develop and submit comprehensive proposals for consideration. Public agencies save significant time and money by accessing a contract that has been awarded by a lead government agency. The ability to purchase directly from a contract reduces many of the costs associated with the traditional bid process.
Benefits to Cooperative Buyers
- Access to best-in-class local, authorized Duro-Last contractor
- Savings of time and money, satisfying agency bid requirements
- Buying power of a national contract
- Compliance review of all proposals by lead government agency
- Streamlined procurement process resulting in fast and timely delivery of projects
- No membership fees
- Single-source responsibility
Who Can Participate?
- Public and private schools (K-12)
- Higher education
- Cities, counties and other government entities
- Nonprofit organizations
Learn more
Contact us today to learn more about the Cooperative Purchasing process and membership benefits